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Reclaiming Your Power

What does it mean to reclaim your power? “Reclaiming your power” is a phrase that encapsulates the process of regaining control over your life, decisions, and your sense of self. It often involves breaking free from limiting beliefs, societal expectations, and negative influences that in the past may have held you back. Reclaiming your power is about recognizing your inherent worth, strengths, and the ability to make choices that align with your values and well-being.


Whether we know it or not, we all have an inner power. However, experiences such as trauma which tends to put us to sleep, may disrupt our ability to connect with or harness that power. Trauma, especially when left unresolved, can create barriers that disconnect us from our inner power, leading to negative self-beliefs, fear, and a sense of powerlessness. One of the keys to reclaiming our inner power starts in our mind, with the thoughts and beliefs that we cultivate. Essentially, it requires us to look at our mind as a garden and our thoughts as the seeds that we grow in our garden. If we engage in high vibrational thoughts and beliefs, we position ourselves closer to our own self-actualization (i.e., the ability to reach our full potential). While working on our inner beliefs requires an abundance of self-awareness, self-reflection and insight, models such as The Stages of Change Model, a five stage transtheoretical model developed by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemete to understand intentional change shows us how important it is to be motivated to take action towards healthier behaviors. This model acknowledges that intentional change is a process that occurs in stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Understanding these stages helps us navigate change more effectively. Keeping in mind the importance of motivation for change and then taking intentional action is essential for transforming thoughts and beliefs into tangible outcomes.


Additionally, being in tune with the narratives we tell ourselves about our abilities is just as important as the action we take towards self-improvement. What we choose to tell ourselves can either empower us or hold us back. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our perceptions, emotions, and actions. Positive, high-vibrational thoughts can lead to more positive experiences and outcomes. What you choose to give your energy to, how to respond to people, places and things are all indicators of where you are vibrationally. Are you giving away your power or are you embracing your power? Each day, you have the power to decide which side of life you are on. Becoming more aware of our self-talk and changing negative narratives is crucial for personal empowerment. Reclaiming your power calls for you to become more self-aware through reflection and introspection; it’s the gateway to understanding your beliefs, behaviors, and motivations, facilitating positive change.


Do we respond to failure and adversity with a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? In other words, do we see room for improvement through dedication and hard work, or do we believe that our skills and talents are fixed and cannot be developed? It may even be helpful to have a mantra or positive affirmations to serve as fertilizers for a healthy thought environment. In order to truly harness our inner power, we have to continually examine and audit the thoughts we allow ourselves to cultivate, be honest about what does not serve our highest good and gravitate consistently towards the light.


Here are some things to consider and steps you can take towards reclaiming your power today:



  1. Self-Awareness: Start by becoming aware of the areas in your life where you feel disempowered or restricted. Reflect on situations, relationships, or patterns that have led to a loss of personal agency.


  1. Identifying Limiting Beliefs: Many people give away their power due to internalized beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t change.” Recognize these beliefs and challenge their validity. Who taught you to think this way? Ask yourself that.


  1. Setting Boundaries: Reclaiming your power often involves setting and enforcing healthy boundaries in your relationships and interactions. Boundaries protect your energy and well-being in a major way.


  1. Self-Advocacy: Speak up for yourself, express your needs, and communicate your boundaries clearly. Advocate for what you deserve in various aspects of your life.


  1. Taking Responsibility: Acknowledge your role in your life circumstances. Taking responsibility empowers you to make positive changes rather than feeling like a victim of your circumstances.


  1. Release Victim Mentality: Being a hero of your story is a choice. Let go of the belief that external circumstances control your life. Instead, focus on your ability to respond and adapt.


  1. Prioritize Vibe-Care: Prioritizing vibe-care (i.e., self-care at the vibrational level) practices that nurture your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being matters. Vibe-care helps you recharge and strengthen your sense of self.


  1. Challenge Fear: Step out of your comfort zone and face your fears. Sounds scary huh? However, by confronting challenges, you prove to yourself that you’re capable and resilient.


  1. Cultivating Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Strengthen your resilience by viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.


  1. Practicing Mindfulness: Mindfulness helps you stay present and focused, enabling you to make conscious choices rather than reacting impulsively.


  1. Connecting with Your Values: Clarify your core values and align your choices with them. When you live in alignment with your values, you feel empowered and authentic.


  1. Learning from the Past: Reflect on past experiences where you felt disempowered. What did you learn? How can you apply those lessons moving forward?


  1. Surrounding Yourself with Your Tribe: Who are your people? Building a supportive network of friends, family, mentors, or therapists who encourage your growth and remind you of your power is an important part of reclaiming your power.


  1. Celebrating Your Progress: On the road to a more evolved version of yourself, don’t forget to acknowledge and celebrate the small steps you take toward reclaiming your power. Each achievement builds your confidence.


Beautiful soul, remember that reclaiming your power is a journey that requires self-reflection, self-compassion, and a willingness to embrace change. It’s about recognizing that you have the ability to shape your life and create a positive impact if and when you choose to. Although you cannot control the behavior of others, you can choose your response and you can determine which boundaries you establish. Your thoughts and beliefs influence not only your mental state, but also your physical well-being, with positive thoughts contributing to better overall health. Understand that reclaiming your inner power involves addressing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of yourself as they are all interconnected. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you journey. Evolving into a higher version of yourself will not happen overnight; reclaiming your power is a process that can lead to greater self-esteem, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.

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